Forgetting about the path we met on

While my flaws were presented to me quite clearly and rather harshly, I can’t say I will gladly continue with the subject adorned as “two wrongs make a right” instead I proudly say “You’re missing out.”    Why? Beyond relieved to hear you ask!

  You see there comes a time in some of our lives (notice how I said some) where the chance to connect and understand others is both an exciting use of our humanly abilities and a privilege. Some of us (there it is again) don’t often get this thrill though when we do we treat it as if it is a once in a lifetime event. In which, IT IS. That’s right! The one time I’ve felt truly encompassed by a mass of appreciation and conversation not only made me bloom but allowed me to actually listen to more than what is said in conversation. Man I hold true to those words. Most importantly I learned something else by this lack of a better word “connection”, what it is to be honest and firm. Not together of course, because I have yet to meet a cool girl who is both resounding in her words and carries through.

   Our connection is practically through the Dead and cigarettes. Jesus, its like another Kat but older (age wise, lets not jump the gun). Just what I need, another former something who is now just toying with boys in front of me. But of course: you all have your own lives and you will express it anyway. Well the porto potty was my fair share of expressive emotions, and I gave hell to the surrounding objects in this encapsulating environment taking out from solid positions the things I deem unreachable. Like you. And like him. I don’t like saying goodbye to you. I don’t even enjoy hugging. After all those wonderful things you said and then the audacity to cover your tracks by begging forgiveness thats all too much. Too dishonest. Don’t tell me our connection is different. Fuck off. Tell me the truth. Tell me how I was that bridge that led you back to your special boy. Tell me again all those wonderful things you learned from me because what I’ve learned from you is solid evidence to the moral compass I never want to cross paths with again.
You are still beautiful, and you are still a fine human being just with much more to learn which is after all, what makes us fine human beings. In the words of Bob Weir, “nothing to tell now, let the words be yours I’m done with mine.” Fare thee well.

About What is it if it is it?

"All about the motion of the pollution in the ocean." I'm an animal like no other. I have a father sister brother and mother. Two feet to stand on but a head underground. Often dreaming skyhigh but never abound. Neither here nor there though fully aware. I seem to tend for others more so than my hair. Friendship comes first before anything that glows. Love can come swift or it can come in blows. I feel all there is but still don't see a light, I know I'm in this "tunnel" yet I somehow feel alright. Who I am.
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